Vax the Sat

Ground Segment

It's still the 70's in my ground station network, login to it and see if you can get a flag from it.

Solution Statistics

bcrypted answer
observations 312
solves 5
points 304
average solve seconds 40278 seconds, or about 11 hours
stddev solve time 20185 seconds, or about 6 hours

Solutions Over Time

solving teams:

solved by 5 teams

team solved at it took
PPP 2020-05-24 06:08:52 UTC 22215 seconds, or 6.17 hours
OneSmallHackForMan 2020-05-24 10:38:22 UTC 21475 seconds, or 5.97 hours
15FittyTree 2020-05-24 17:22:11 UTC 46035 seconds, or 12.79 hours
Solar Wine 2020-05-24 19:44:24 UTC 70544 seconds, or 19.6 hours
FluxRepeatRocket 2020-05-24 19:49:09 UTC 41124 seconds, or 11.42 hours